God is Your Resting Place

I'm learning everyday that the heart, mind, and body is created for scheduled and purposeful rest.

I like to build and create.

I like to see things grow.

I like to have my hands in the good works the Lord calls me too. And, for the record, I have a very active and adventurous toddler as I’m writing out these words to you. But, I have found, just  as much as he’s called me to good works and full life living, he’s also called me to rest and restore. If we go back to the beginning book of Genesis, we see where God created a day of rest for himself. Sometimes I wonder if he did this to model what rest was for us more than he needed it himself. He showed us to work hard, create, cultivate, but also rest.  

This may be the reminder your heart needed today. And if not today, I’m sure these words will pop back up in your heart at some point, as we all need this restful reminder as women on a mission. Rest is a gift. It’s an essential need. It’s not a maybe but a must. And friend, you are worthy of the rest God designed for you today and in the days to come.  

Today, make the choice to live rested over rushed.

This may look like saying no to a few things. (Side note-saying no doesn’t make you a bad person). This may look like going to bed early. It may look like ordering out versus a big home cooked meal tonight. Whatever it looks like to you, make it happen. Because, God sees you as worthy of his rest.  

Scripture for the day- Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 

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  • Michelle

    Luv this Scripture!

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