Warrior Over Worry

"Do not be anxious or worry about anything, but in every situation, through prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God." Paul said it best, y’all. And my goodness, sometimes it sounds so easy and seems so hard. I have often found that worry likes to creep in when I am feeling a little overwhelmed or out of control. But, do you know that eighty-five percent of the things you worry about actually never happen. When you hear a statistic like that is sure makes you want to align your thoughts accordingly.  


I love the movie Wonder Woman. I highly recommend you watching it if you haven’t see it yet. She gives a beautiful depiction on an assignment for her people. And when I see her in action, I think of all of the women on assignment on this earth. I also have to ask myself if we are fully living in our identity as a Warrior for God or a worrier being defeated by the woes of life. God’s plan for you is a life of faith and trust in Him. The enemy’s plan is a life of worry, fear, and doubt. But, its up to you to choose whose command you will heed to. Will you daily pick up your sword (the word of God) and stand firm in the truth of God’s plans and purposes for your life or will be listen to the whispers of defeat and doom? Some of us need a spiritual tune up. The enemy knows his final day of judgment is approaching, but he will do his best to keep you in a tailspin of worry until then. Do not take the seed of doubt and believe the lies. Tune your heart and ear to hear the voice of the Father. The Father will remind you of your position in Christ. The Father will encourage you with words of love and affirmation. He will lead you and empower you with grace, no matter what battle lies before you. Your position is of a warrior, my fierce friend. It’s time to pick up your sword and take the ground you are called to; in your family, in your workplace, in your business, and in your own personal life.

Let a warrior arise within you.  


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